The app that helps you with social distancing.

Supporting a safe (working) environment for everybody.

100% data privacy guaranteed

1point5 - Social Distancing

In response to media articles concerning the functionality of 1point5:

  • 1point5 is not a COVID-19 nor a medical health app;
  • The purpose of 1point5 is to inform and educate people about social distancing;
  • Since Bluetooth is not accurate enough, the goal is not to give an 100% accurate distance. In ideal circumstances 1point5 can alert you when someone is - expectedly - encroaching your 1.5 meter perimeter;
  • Detected devices of family members, friends or inanimate objects such as laptops can be ignored by clicking the x button.


To support a safe (working) environment

Device based exclusion

Companies can name their devices so it is clear which co-worker you want to prevent from getting an alert.

Device based exclusion
Distance range settings

Distance range settings

Every country has different rules when it comes to distancing. We offer the possibility to customize your perimeter up to 2 meters.

Native for every device

Run the app on a smartwatch, phone or tablet so you can have sole purpose devices in your organization to keep track of distance.

Native for every device
Customizable alarm settings

Customizable alarm settings

You can determine per device how you want to be alerted. Put on vibration or sound, or both. User can disable the alert from known devices around them.

Some of our users

Look at what they say about us

1point5 really makes a difference in making people aware of keeping their distance. The app works in every jurisdiction in the world as distance parameters can be customized by the user according to local regulations and, most importantly, it does not collect or share any personal data. It is built to work locally on mobile devices with no requirement for connection to the internet.
If we want to open our offices again we need a solution that keeps our colleagues safe. We have distributed the app in our private IT infrastructure to help achieve that.
With over 200 employees and over 10 nationalities harvesting flower bulbs we must have multiple languages being supported to keep our business running safely.

Contact us

Let us know about any questions you may have